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Storm Season 2022 – Be Storm Ready

This summer, brace yourself for storm season. The Bureau of Meteorology has declared that a third consecutive La Nina weather event will bring storms and high winds to the east coast of Australia. If you’re not prepared, these storms can cause serious damage to your home. In this blog post, we will discuss what La Nina is and how it can affect your home. We will also provide some tips and tricks to help you survive storm season!

La Nina is a weather event that is caused by cooler-than-average sea temperatures in the central and eastern Pacific Oceans. This cooling of the ocean surface affects the atmospheric circulation patterns and can lead to increased rainfall and storms along the east coast of Australia. La Nina events typically occur every few years, however, the east coast of Australia is now facing it’s third consecutive event.

During a La Nina event, we can expect to see more storms and high winds along the east coast of Australia. These storms can cause damage to homes, especially if they are not prepared for them. To help you prepare for storm season, we’ve put together a few tips:

Tips to help manage the storm season

Have an emergency plan that all family members are aware of. This plan should include where to go, who to call and what to do if a storm hits. 

– You can start now by trimming any dead or overhanging branches from trees near your home. These can become projectiles during high winds and cause serious damage. Next, make sure your gutters are clear of leaves and debris. This will help prevent water from pooling around your foundation, which can lead to flooding.

– Secure outdoor furniture, toys and pot plants. These can become missiles in high winds and cause damage to your home or injure someone.

– Have a first aid kit and an emergency kit on hand in case of injuries.

– Make sure your home is properly insulated and that all windows and doors are securely fastened. This will help to minimise the damage caused by high winds. Consider investing in awnings,  external shutters or impact-resistant windows. These can protect your home from flying debris and help to keep out water during a storm.

– Make sure your pets are safe. Have a plan in place for them in case of an emergency.

– If possible, create a storm-safe area in your home. This can be an interior room on the lowest floor of the house that is away from windows.

– Be sure to have a supply of non-perishable food and water in case you are cut off from supplies during a storm. Filling a bathtub with water is a great way to ensure you have a supply on hand.

– Charge your mobile phone and have a backup charger handy in case of power outages.

– Fill your petrol tank, in case of evacuation

– Have a list of items that you would need to take with you if you had to evacuate your home, such as important documents, medication and clothing.

By following these tips, you can help to minimise the damage caused by storms and make sure that you and your family are safe during storm season. For more information on preparing for storms, please visit the Sunshine Coast Council Disaster Hub.

If you would like to enquire about how shutters and/or blinds can help you protect your home our friendly team of experts are here to answer your questions.

Stay safe this summer!

Important Contacts to have on hand

SES – 132500, Medical Emergency 000,

Sunshine Coast Council Disaster Hub:

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