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Get Ready – Extreme weather predicted

The Sunshine Coast is bracing for an extreme weather phenomenon in 2023, largely due to the onset of an El Niño event. As we see in reports from the University of the Sunshine Coast and the Bureau of Meteorology, this El Niño event is expected to bring hot and dry conditions, increasing the likelihood of bushfires in the region.

The region has already experienced some of the effects, with September recording an extremely high temperature of 39.3 °C at Julia Creek Airport. After three years of La Niña bringing cool temperatures and record-breaking rain, Australia is now officially transitioning to an El Niño pattern.

It’s also crucial to note that these weather conditions may not be uniformly experienced across Queensland. Some areas, specifically Southeast Queensland, might witness severe thunderstorms and river flooding.

The shift in weather patterns also implies that the region may experience a drier spring, providing an opportunity to undo beach erosion caused by previous wet weather. However, residents relying on tank water are advised to prepare for a dry summer.

Understanding the weather conditions

Understanding the predicted weather conditions is crucial to prepare for potential impacts on daily life and local businesses. Here’s what we know so far:

The El Niño event, which is expected to bring hot and dry conditions to the Sunshine Coast of Queensland, is a significant departure from the previous years’ La Niña conditions. The La Niña phenomenon typically brings cooler temperatures and above-average rainfall. This shift towards an El Niño pattern signifies a transition to hotter and drier conditions, which could increase the likelihood of bushfires in the region.

These extreme weather conditions are anticipated to have a wide-ranging impact on daily life. The expected high temperatures may lead to uncomfortable living conditions, particularly for vulnerable groups such as the elderly and young children. There may be increased health risks, including heat-related illnesses like heat stroke and dehydration.

In terms of how this year’s forecast is unique, it’s worth noting that the transition from La Niña to El Niño is not unusual. However, the extreme temperatures already recorded at the onset of this forecast period suggest that this El Niño event may be more intense than those in recent memory.

Historical Perspective of El Nino 

The Sunshine Coast in Queensland has a history of experiencing various extreme weather events, ranging from storms and cyclones to heatwaves and flooding. These events have shaped the region’s understanding of disaster preparedness and response and provide valuable lessons for the current situation.

One of the most notable extreme weather events was Tropical Cyclone Oswald in 2013. Oswald caused widespread damage across parts of Queensland and New South Wales, with heavy rainfall leading to severe flooding. The impacts were felt not only on a physical level but also economically, as businesses were forced to close and the tourism industry was hit hard.

Heatwaves are another common weather event in the Sunshine Coast region. As per a report by CSIRO, increasing extreme heat has profound effects on people, industries, and ecosystems in Queensland’s Sunshine Coast region. This is particularly relevant considering the predicted hot and dry conditions due to the El Niño event.

Similarly, the region has experienced a series of storms and cyclones, typically occurring from November to March, and east coast low pressure systems from January to June. These weather events often result in significant rainfall and can lead to flooding.

Preparing for the Extreme Weather

Preparing for extreme weather involves a combination of home and personal preparation, along with special considerations for vulnerable populations. Here’s a detailed guide on what to do:

Home Preparation

Security screens, blinds, and awnings can play a significant role in mitigating the effects of extreme weather conditions. Here’s how:

  1. Security Screens: These are designed to withstand high winds and flying debris, which are common during storms or cyclones. They provide an extra layer of protection for windows and doors, preventing breakage that can lead to water damage inside the home.
  2. Blinds: Interior blinds can help regulate the temperature inside your home. During hot weather, closing the blinds can block out solar radiation, keeping the interiors cooler and reducing the need for air conditioning. Conversely, during cold weather, they provide an extra layer of insulation, helping to keep warmth inside.
  3. Awnings: Awnings are particularly useful in protecting against sun and rain. In hot weather, they shade windows and doors, reducing heat gain inside the house. During heavy rain, they can prevent water from seeping into your home around windows and doors. Some awnings are also designed to withstand high winds.
  4. Roller Shutters: Roller shutters add an additional layer of protection against extreme weather. They can shield windows from high winds and flying debris, and also provide excellent insulation, helping to maintain a comfortable temperature inside the house.
  5. Storm Windows and Doors: These products are specifically designed to withstand severe weather conditions. They provide an extra barrier against wind and rain and can significantly reduce the chance of windows or doors being broken by flying debris.

Remember, while these measures can significantly mitigate the effects of extreme weather, they should be part of a comprehensive approach to home safety that includes things like a well-maintained roof, clean gutters, and a disaster preparedness plan.

Securing your property is an important step in preparing for extreme weather conditions. This may involve:

  1. Checking roofs for loose tiles or leaks and repairing them promptly.
  2. Trimming trees and branches that could potentially damage your house during a storm.
  3. Securing outdoor items that could be blown away or cause damage in strong winds.

Stocking up on essentials is also crucial. Your emergency supply kit should include:

  1. Enough food and water to last at least three days for each family member.
  2. A battery-powered or hand-crank radio to stay updated on the latest weather forecasts and emergency information.
  3. A first aid kit, flashlights, extra batteries, and hygiene items.

Personal Preparation

Appropriate clothing is essential. Depending on the weather forecast, this might include warm clothing for cold weather or lightweight, light-colored, and loose-fitting clothing for hot weather.

A first aid kit is a must-have in any emergency. It should include basic wound care items like bandages, antiseptics, and tweezers, as well as any necessary prescription medications.

Having a clear evacuation plan is vital. Know your local evacuation routes, have a pre-determined meeting place for family members, and plan how you will transport your pets.

Special Considerations for Vulnerable Populations

Children, the elderly, and pets require special considerations during extreme weather events.

For children, it’s important to explain what’s happening in a calm and reassuring way. Make sure they have familiar items, like favourite toys or blankets, to comfort them.

Elderly individuals may need assistance with evacuation. If they have special medical needs or mobility issues, ensure their needs are accounted for in your emergency plan.

Pets should not be left behind during an evacuation. Remember to include pet food and supplies in your emergency kit.

Remember, preparation is key when it comes to extreme weather events. The more prepared you are, the better you will be able to cope with the situation.

Local Resources and Support

Local disaster management resources are crucial for preparing for, responding to, and recovering from extreme weather events. These resources provide valuable information, support services, and recovery assistance.

The Sunshine Coast Council has a Local Disaster Management Plan that provides tools for residents to return to a safe environment after a disaster. The plan outlines the council’s roles and responsibilities in relation to disaster management.

The Sunshine Coast District Disaster Management Group is another important resource. Comprised of representatives from regionally based Queensland government agencies, this group coordinates response and recovery efforts during and after disasters.

In addition, the Noosa Local Disaster Management & Recovery Plans outline the procedures for a disaster or emergency in the Noosa region. This ensures effective and coordinated planning during crisis situations.

The Queensland Government provides local governments with disaster dashboards. These online platforms offer real-time information about active disasters, including the Sunshine Coast Regional Council. The Queensland Government also runs a comprehensive disaster management program.

By leveraging these resources, residents of the Sunshine Coast can better prepare for, respond to, and recover from extreme weather events and other disasters.

In conclusion, preparation and community support are essential factors in successfully managing and recovering from extreme weather events on the Sunshine Coast. The various local disaster management resources available, from the Sunshine Coast Council’s Local Disaster Management Plan to the real-time information provided by the Queensland Government’s disaster dashboards, play a critical role in ensuring residents are well-equipped to face any disaster.

By staying informed, proactive, and collaborative, the Sunshine Coast community can effectively navigate through any disaster, safeguarding their well-being and the integrity of their beautiful coastal region. Remember, preparedness isn’t just about surviving a disaster; it’s about thriving in the aftermath.

If you would like to discuss your window mitigation options, our friendly team of experts are on hand ready to assist with your specific needs.

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